Any minute now, an administrative law judge will recommend a method for Illinois electricity deregulation.

By ARTHUR B. LAFFER and PATRICK N. GIORDANO Updated Dec. 1, 2005 12:01 a.m. ET SPRINGFIELD, ILL. -- Any minute now, an administrative law judge will recommend a method for Illinois electricity deregulation. His recommendation could defend the interests of Illinois consumers, or it could help an Illinois energy company pull a fast one. Exelon Rex Read the full article in the Wall Street Journal...

Rail backers reach out to Obama reps

Chicago Confidential January 31, 2010 | By Melissa Harris Chicago attorneys Lewis Manilow and Patrick Giordano don't pretend to be pulling the strings behind President Barack Obama's push for high-speed rail. But they do admit to being very persistent. For more than a year, Manilow and Giordano have prodded two of their most influential friends -- White House advisers Rahm Emanuel and David Axelrod -- about high-speed rail. Manilow is friends ...